What are artifacts? What should you include?
Artifacts are pieces of work that demonstrate your learning (​EPortfolios: Purpose and Composition​, n.d.). They can be academic, professional or interest-based. They could include:
- Assignments (ungraded or graded work)
- Activities/Experiences
- Demonstration of abilities (or skill development)
- Achievements/awards
- Photographs (of projects or of you completing tasks)
- Video/audio clips
- Graphic data (charts, spreadsheets, timelines, etc.)
- Certificates (volunteer work, professional/extra-curricular courses, etc.)
- Memberships in organizations
- Transcripts
- Degrees/diplomas
- Blog posts
- Writing samples
- PowerPoint slides
- Technical certifications
- Letters of recommendation
After selecting your artifacts, the next step is to reflect on them. Presenting artifacts alone is not enough evidence to show your learning. Reflection is needed to show the depth and/or breadth of what you have learned through your artifact. More on this here. Also consider how you can use media to present them.
- ePortfolios: Purpose and Composition. (n.d.). University of Waterloo. https://uwaterloo.ca/writing-and-communication-centre/resources-eportfolios-purpose-composition#:~:text=Helpful%20hint%3A%20Supporting%20evidence%20of,completed%20work%20are%20called%20artifacts
Photos by Maya Maceka and David Iskander on Unsplash